Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 2

Oh well....apparently I can't log into my email account either! I logged in and I saw I had three online contacts, which I usually never have and Soldier was there!!! My heart was racing, I couldn't breathe right....oh what a dork I am!!!!

He has never, NEVER!, been available on my email chat before!!! Oh this complicates things and I was doing sooo darn well! I can't ignore the little smiley face lit up! I must have a disease or something.

So yes, yes I did send a little hello, BUT, I did not hang around to see if he responded, which he probably didn't, so I will never know...sigh. What an ass.

That dear friends, is why I am undaunted in my quest to stop missing messenger!!! I don't consider my little lapse as a failure because I did not log into messenger now did I? I was AMBUSHED and fell victim to the crazies. I will be better prepared from now on. I shall take steps to avoid that email address as well for the next SIX days (since I have conquered the first of the seven days) and I will prevail!!!

I bought 3 new pairs of shoes and brie cheese and a reward by the way. (It was BOGO and I did get an additional 20% off)

So DANG!!! I can't check my email!!! HELP!!!!!!!!

(a couple of hours later....)
Time to get off the computer....I'm getting antsy to hear that little "pop" sound and thinking it wouldn't be so bad ......

(after the wine and the cheese)
Well, tonight is a bit more challenging. I know I can make the seven days, but I'm not tired enough to go to sleep and I wish I had some company!

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